Friday, February 28, 2020

On the Dark Side of Twilight: Akron Main Public Library

Ten years ago, Great Lakes Theater produced my first outreach tour "On the Dark Side of Twilight."

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Fantastic afternoon in Akron, yo. Marked improvement over when we drew 6 people for the 2008 tour. Okay eight - but two walked out. A great crowd; girls from Elms who dragged their parents in to check us out, students from Tallmadge High who have created their own adaptation of Dracula for the stage (Vlad Dracul) and even an author who has written bout John Polidori!

We were welcomed with open arms and a really big, red dolly to move things into the awesomely awesome hall at Akron Main Public Library, only this guy put our already seriously abused but otherwise charming little table onto the dolly, just letting it wobble there until we hit a ramp and it went crashing into a rail. Snapped a leg right off and damaged the drawer.

It's an important table. We keep props in it that are used throughout the show, and I have to put Dusten's face into it. The library staff worked feverishly with wood glue and a great clamp -- it's great because it looks old and you can barely see it. We will get that back to you, promise!

The post-show discussion was super (thanks in large part to our author) going over aspects of the show which haven't been brought up much since we began. Never yet, for example, has the term "Terrorist Chic" entered the conversation. And this was the first time someone asked if I had a rationale for why Porlock ages.

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